
Here on the workbench there’s one electronic component above all others that I deal with on a daily basis. Whether I’m refurbishing an old ’50s tube limiter, repairing console channel strips or hunting down an intermittent crackle in a microphone, capacitors are...

DIY Pads

The pad is one of the most obvious of audio control functions: flick the switch and the signal level drops by the prescribed amount; flick it again and the signal is restored. Here we’ll explore why we need them, how to design them and importantly how you can build...

What’s that noise?

As a teenager I’d spend hours sitting in front of the family’s old gramophone (yes it had tubes) playing Led Zeppelin records. My dad would walk in yelling: “what the hell is that noise?” I wish I’d known enough back then to say – as I lifted the needle of the record...

Interfacing the i-thing

Faffing around with cables, adapters and cranking volume controls back and forth between selections of different sources can easily be avoided by correctly interfacing with any iThing that may come through the door Click here to view...

DIY Monitor Control

If your studio monitoring is currently managed by something you inherited from your brother’s ’80s Dick Smith hi-fi, isn’t it high time you faced the music and found a more accurate means of listening to your system? Click here to view...